
融创.信达.政务壹号大区 | 以设计传递温暖记忆

普利斯设计集团 看见景观 2022-05-17
Place Design Group Shanghai Office:

With the rapid change of urban environment and the unceasing migration of people, we seem to be always experiencing new things, new roads, new home, new surroundings... which can easily lead to the sense of unfamiliarity. However, designs that stimulate emotional connection, sometimes just by simple but smart details, can create a sense of belonging and emotional connection for people in the changing environment. 
The One is a typical case that has well utilised this design thinking. Located in the New Municipal and Culture District in Hefei City, the development consists of office towers, retail, high-rise and lower-rise residential buildings with the construction of the residential area completed early this year. In the display area completed in 2017, apart from the concise design, the sculptural play slide in the shape of an elephant located in playground had triggered the childhood memory of many locals about the terrazzo elephant slide in the old Xiaoyaojin Park.

//  全区鸟瞰 Aerial view

Applying similar pieces in The One, our designer uses the play slide as a medium that marries the memories and emotional connections of two and even more generations. Though the old slide faces an unknown future due to the park renovation at present, the warm childhood memories created by the elephant slide will continue to be passed on. 

//  逍遥津公园中的大象滑梯 The terrazzo elephant slide in Xiaoyaojin Park ©Sue Wang

//  示范区儿童活动场地 The playground in the display area ©看见摄影GAZE

//  相似的设计思路也延续到了诸多细节中。景墙上鸟儿飞越山林的画面是设计师对过去城市中触目可及的大蜀山与林间飞鸟的致敬。上图©看见摄影GAZE

The design idea is also embodied in many other details. The feature wall with a scene of birds flying over mountains is designer’s tribute to the Dashu Mountain and birds in forests that used to be visible in the city. Above image ©看见摄影GAZE


Now the elephant play slide that was placed in the display area has been moved next to the colorful rotatable play structure in the community playground, together with bespoke facilities including elevated rubber surfaced mounds integrated with slides and a small wooden bridge has provided a rich play environment for kids.

© Jack Mei

//  社区健身活动场地紧邻儿童活动场地,也为家长提供更方便的看护。
The community exercise space adjoins the children’s playground to provide convenience for parents to overlook the site.

//  紧邻儿童活动场地的大草坪可作为其外延空间

The big lawn adjacent to the playground can be utilised as an extended play space.

Another highlight is the “Nature Exploration Garden” near the playground. We selected common and easily recognizable local plants, insects, and birds, and designed a set of bespoke magnifier shaped signages to place in different circular planting beds by category. The explanatory texts are concise and clear, whilst also providing rich opportunities for interaction. This is one of our first projects that includes the “Nature Exploration Garden” system, building on the broader design thinking about how to provide opportunities for children living in cities to learn and explore nature in their daily life as a way of nature education.


// 左图©Jack Mei,右图:放大镜认知牌效果图

Left image ©Jack Mei; right image: illustration of magnifier signages

//  点击上图了解关于自然探索园体系设计的更多介绍和项目案例。左图©Jack Mei

Click the image above to learn more about the “Nature Exploration Garden” design and related projects. Left image ©Jack Mei

One of the challenges in this project is that the EVA space occupies a considerable size of the entire community. Combining both elements of enclosure and openness, folding screens are designed to divide the broad EVA space into several courtyards. These lockable slide screens can be moved to form larger or smaller spaces depending on requirements, creating more flexible scaled courtyard spaces for residents to enjoy.

©Jack Mei


More details

//  灵活运用不同材质和轮廓的铺装打破呆板的消防登高轮廓线

The pavement is designed with different patterns and materials to complement the regular EVA outline.



客户:融创中国 | 信达地产

摄影:除特殊标注外,所有照片均出自繁玺视觉Fancy Image

Project: The One

Location: Hefei, Anhui, China

Client: Sunac China | Cindera Real Estate

Photography: 繁玺视觉Fancy Image, except specific captions

注:项目来自 普利斯设计集团placedesigngroup,仅用于交流学习。


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